What is CrossFit?

Constantly varied functional movement with high intensity. The focus on coaching, along with measurable and observable results, cannot be matched. Every workout is scaled and adapted to everyone to ensure each individual to be equally challenged.

Our small group training structure allows you to work with coaches at a fraction of the cost of personal training. 

Book your No Sweat Consultation

How do I get started?

Every new member starts with a No sweat consultation. This is a chance for us to find out how what we do can help them.

It is ‘No sweat’ so just a chat, a chance to find out exactly what we do and see the ‘box' (your first piece of CrossFit jargon! We call ourselves boxes, not gyms! Gyms are boring!)

Book your No Sweat Consultation

Following your consultation your next step will be completing our Foundations Programme.

Foundations Programme

CrossFit’s unique training methodology includes movements from weightlifting and gymnastics that most people have minimal exposure to. That is why all our new clients start with Foundations.

3 x 60 Minute 1:1 coaching sessions with a CrossFit qualified coach. Following completion of the 1:1 sessions you’ll receive 2 weeks complimentary full membership.

This programme gives us the opportunity to assess and improve your movement and show you not only what we do, but also how each workout will be tailored to your needs in every class.

Get started today by booking your consultation

Book your No Sweat Consultation